BIRRR Stories

Outback Queenslander saving rural Australians money on their internet bills (ABC Western Qld, Ash Moore 16/2/16) – contains fixed wireless success stories

BIRRR Fixed Wireless Success Stories

Peel NSW PtP nbn Fixed Wireless & FTTN Shared with Neighbours (Prepared for BIRRR by Ross Mitchell 6/7/17)

Using PtP to relay nbn Fixed Wireless from a Farm Shed (prepared for BIRRR by Nina & Damien Gaynor 21/3/17)

Jostin’s nbn Non Standard Fixed Wireless story Using PtP Link (prepared for BIRRR by Jostin Meekels 23/12/17)

Kain’s nbn™ fixed wireless non standard install story   (Prepared for BIRRR by Kain Fitzgerald 12/2/16)

Jacob’s Sharing Internet Connections with Neighbours Story  (Prepared for BIRRR by Jacob Johnson & John Kitchener 24/2/16)

Chris’ nbn™ fixed wireless standard install story  (Prepared for BIRRR by Chris Downes 5/12/15)

Education Stories  (Prepared for BIRRR by Kristy Sparrow, a summary of the impacts on the #datadrought on bush education, BEFORE nbn Sky Muster was available)

Health Stories  (Prepared for BIRRR by Kristy Sparrow, a summary of the impacts on the #datadrought on bush health,BEFORE nbn Sky Muster was available)

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Page Updated 24/10/18