WARNING: Do not click on any links or programs that promise to speed up your computer or internet connection – these are almost certainly a scam, and often contain malicious software. These links or ads are especially common on many popular speed testing websites.

How to test your internet speed:

  1. Always test your internet connection speed in the manner recommended by your RSP. It is advised that you close your email program whilst running a speed test and ensure that your computers / devices are not accessing the internet for other activities which may affect the test.
  2. If there is no clear RSP recommendation then, you must try to remove as many variables from the test as is humanly possible. This is to ensure that you are testing just the internet connection and not other network peripherals, such as your WIFI connection etc, which may or may not be faulty.
  3. Bypass or eliminate as much of your home equipment as possible. The very best way to test is with a computer or test device connected via a LAN cable directly to your nbn, ADSL or mobile data modem.
  4. A WIFI connection is often a cause of poor performance and WIFI frequently degrades both the users experience and the speedtest outcome. It may not always be possible to test without WIFI, however if you must use WIFI to make a test, make sure that you are close to the WIFI router and that your test computer’s WIFI is properly configured.

Generic Speed tests

Some RSP recommended speed tests

Satellite speed testing – it is recommended that you use this one  https://fast.com/en/gb/

*Please note, while all care has been taken in compiling BIRRR documents, we recommend that you check with your service provider regarding  your internet connection speed and preferred speed testing tool.

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